Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's 'that' Feeling: Four Week Challenge

I'm happy to report that I'm back on track again!! These past couple of weeks have been great!! Back to eating good and working out on a regular schedule again...which makes me a super happy girl! I always miss the nights that I am "too busy" to work out. But, I'm feeling good and can't wait to see what the next few weeks have to offer!

Beginning tomorrow-I'm starting a Four Week Challenge! In four short weeks I'll be leaving on a jet plane out of the country, which I'm super excited about! So between now and then I've set some small goals for myself and hoping to achieve them! Someone PLEASE help keep me accountable!!

I'm excited and hoping that this will break the plateau! So ready to get past this point!

Last week, Sarah and I were able to meet up with our friend Melissa...she has recently lost over 60 pounds and she looks AWESOME!!! Melissa, if you are reading this, I am sooo proud of you! You have been such an inspiration to me!

One thing to remember is...if you fail today, start again TODAY! Don't wait for tomorrow!

Hope yall have a wonderful week!

Until next time...

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